Japanese Koi tattoo

The koi was a happy fish in Japan for a long time.

In China, there is a legend of changing koi that climbed the waterfall into the dragon.

Koi has been assumed the symbol of the success in life in Japan based on the legend.

Koi no takinobori

Koi-nobori(Carp streamer):Windsleeve that wishes and sets up the boy's growth.

Kintaro and Koi : It is famous as the motif of the tattoo. Kintaro is a hero of the legend of Japan. He is a symbol of an energetic, strong boy. The appearance that Kintaro was holding the carp and the appearance that Kintaro clings to the carp have been drawn by a lot of people.

Koi no taki nobori: Appearance that Koi climbs waterfall.It is famous as the motif of the tattoo. Legend of changing carp in China into dragon if it climbs waterfall.Symbol of the man's success.


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