Tea celemony house and stone lantern
What is "Chashitsu" ?
Chashitsu is tea celemony house in Japanese garden.
Famous Chashitsu
Joan : Aichi Prefecture Inuyama City .
Taian : Kyoto Prefecture Oyamazaki-cho
Mittan: Kyoto City
What is "Ishi Tourou" ?
Ishi-Tourou is came to Japan with the Buddhism in the Asuka age.
Tourou is in a Japanese garden for appreciation now though Tourou was in the temple in old times.
Detail of ishi-Tourou (Descending order)
Houju : Spheroidal stone on the top
Kasa: Stone of quadrangle or hexagon like roof
Hibukuro: The center . Place to put fire .
Tyuudai: Stand of Hibukuro
- Japanese Garden
- Japanese Garden
- Tea celemony house and stone lantern
- Properties in Japanese garden
- Japanese Garden in kyoto
- Daimyo garden
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